Bible Questions and Answers

Bible answers to your Frequently Asked Questions about God, Jesus Christ, prophecy, the end time, the second coming, the Antichrist, God's plan and purpose for your life, salvation, grace, law, faith, creation, evolution, prayer, Bible study, relationships, living a Christian life and more!

We plan to add questions and answers regularly. In the meantime, if you don't see your Bible FAQ here, ask our team of caring, dedicated ministers for a personal answer. (Please allow a week or so for an e-mail response.)

Man holding Bible.

Where Did the Symbolism of the Cross Originate?

The cross far predates Christianity, and its roots are in ancient religious worship.
A man sitting in a church.

Why Do People Make the Sign of the Cross on Their Body?

Making the sign of the cross on oneself is an expression of belief in the Trinity, a concept of God’s nature not found in Scripture.
A Bible and notebook laying on a table.

What Is the Difference Between the 12 Disciples and the 12 Apostles?

The 12 disciples that are listed in Scripture are: Peter, James, John, Andrew, Nathanael (Bartholomew), James (son of Alphaeus), Judas, Thaddeus (Jude), Matthew, Philip, Simon and Thomas. Eleven of these same men became the initial apostles. There were many more...
A man sitting in an audience.

What Makes the United Church of God Different From Other Churches?

Similar to most Christian churches, United Church of God (UCG) congregations meet each week to worship our great Creator God and to receive instruction from His Word. Typical services include familiar elements such as song, prayer and sermons. However, UCG...
A young man sitting on a couch clasping his hands.

How Can I Connect With God?

Successful, satisfying relationships involve two-way communication. Connecting with God is the same way. If you are willing to do your part, God will do His.
A young man wearing a suit and carrying a leather case on his shoulder walking in busy city.

How Can I Maintain Meaningful Relationships With My Kids After They Leave Home?

You will always be their parent, and though your relationship has changed, now you can nurture a lifelong friendship with them.
A woman staring out a window.

Should I Get an Abortion If the Baby Has a Genetic Disorder or Fetal Abnormality?

Consider these incredible words from Jeremiah: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you” (Jeremiah 1:5). David was also inspired to write how God knows a child even before they are...
A silhouette of a young woman.

My Daughter Wants to Get an Abortion, What Do I Do?

Now is your opportunity to let her see God’s character in you, as you gently and humbly try to help her make the right choice, for life.
New born baby lying on a blanket.

How Should a Christian View the Roe V. Wade Decision That Legalized Abortion in America?

There have been times in history, and even today, where the laws of God conflict with the laws of man. When this happens, it is essential that followers of Jesus Christ obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29).
A woman looking up.

How Can We Follow the Ten Commandments?

Truly following the Ten Commandments requires a shift in our mindset. God’s law is to be a delight.