United News

United News is the official church newspaper of the United Church of God, an International Association. It covers news from the Council of Elders, home office, regional and national offices around the world, local congregations and members.

It also features articles of spiritual and biblical interest to members, as well as announcements of births, weddings, anniversaries and obituaries. Reader feedback and involvement is encouraged.

Submission Guidelines

United News is the official newspaper of the United Church of God, an International Association. Its purpose is to cover the news of United that members are concerned about in a concise, interesting, readable way and to provide inspirational/spiritual articles addressing timely issues of interest to members. United News is designed to encourage unity by informing members about the work we are all involved in and about our brothers and sisters around the world. It is also a tool for the spiritual development and equipping of the members for the work of service.

United News is sent to all English-speaking members around the world, co-workers and others who request it. Portions are also translated into other languages. It is published bi-monthly six times a year, generally on the last Wednesday of even months, except the first and last issue of each year.

We have no staff of official paid writers, so we rely on the talents and efforts of ministers and members for articles. We appreciate your contributions! Writers can contribute in these areas:

The Good News in United News (Biblical and Spiritual Articles)

Along with providing UCG members with news, United News is also available to provide spiritual food especially for members. Articles of this nature can generally be found in the Good News section of each issue. We want to make sure we have articles about the festivals in season. As well, we are looking for other articles of doctrine, instruction and encouragement to strengthen the membership. This could include articles on the need for effective prayer, making time for meaningful meditation, re-energizing Bible study, apologetics, dealing with a particular doctrine that may be commonly misunderstood, Christian living and a multitude of other possible topics. Please let us know any ideas you are planning to work on so we can avoid duplication of effort (un@ucg.org ).

Most articles should be between 600 and 1,400 words. Beyond that (beyond one newspaper page), readers tend to lose interest or put off reading the article until later, if ever. Sidebars and graphic suggestions are welcome for the longer articles to help break up the text and grab readers’ interest.

We also are interested in publishing shorter articles (generally 100 to 400 words) which can include brief pieces of biblical wisdom, personal reflections when appropriate, or practical Christian living information.

We prefer to quote from the New King James Version when quoting scriptures. When you have a specific reason for quoting another translation, please note the translation. Please use the exact punctuation, capitalization and spelling in the version you are using.

When quoting outside sources, include the following information: author’s name, complete title of the book, year of publication and page quoted. It would appear like this: (William Bennett, The Book of Virtues, 1993, p. 123). Please normally include this information in the article in parentheses, not in footnotes or endnotes or in a bibliography. Please double-check names and other references and include a photocopy of the source when possible.

All Good News and spiritual articles are due at least three weeks before the publication date to allow time for the doctrinal review process. A general rule of thumb is to send in any biblical articles during the first week of the month since the issue goes to press at the end of the month.

Local Church Updates (News Articles)

Many members are interested in what their brothers and sisters around the world are doing in their local congregations. Unique activities can give other congregations ideas as well. We would like to feature an interesting event from every congregation if possible.

If your congregation’s news and events are never covered in United News, why not check with your pastor and write something for him to send in? We’re looking for 100- to 300-word articles and photographs with captions. Include the author’s and photographer’s names and your phone number. Please double-check the spelling of names. This section also features items about the special achievements of members and their children.

UCG News and Events (U.S. and Internationally)

We want United News to be the members’ best source of comprehensive news about the work God is doing through UCG around the world. We encourage members to let us know about the latest news, even if they do not feel comfortable writing it up themselves. Your local pastor and the managing editor of United News may work with writers to fine-tune articles and local church updates—so feel free to give it a try! News articles should generally include the answer to the following questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How?

Quotes from those involved in a project work better for a news article than editorial comments by the writer. In some cases it would be better for United News to quote you, rather than having you as the author.

Please double-check names and references.

Most local church updates and international news articles range from 200 to 600 words, with occasional longer articles. If you anticipate writing a longer, full-page feature on a recent event or project please contact the managing editor, Ariana Del Signore, at un@ucg.org.

News articles are generally due two weeks before the publication date, though we do our best to accommodate late-breaking news whenever possible. We appreciate a “heads up” about possible late-breaking items and the potential length so we can reserve space.


Members are welcome to submit announcements of births, engagements, weddings, significant anniversaries (25, 40, 50, 60, etc.) and obituaries. Check the “Announcements” section of a recent issue for the standard style of these items. Most items are 50 to 100 words and should not exceed 250 words. Photos should also be included when submitting an announcement.

“Tribute” articles are obituaries for elders and elders’ wives and are generally arranged by the regional pastor. Upon a minister's retirement or recognition for 50 years in the ministry, a tribute article is often printed in United News as well. 

“Letters” and Suggestions

Reader comments and suggestions to improve United News are welcome. We do not promise to print every suggestion or letter, but all input will be taken into consideration. Please include your name and city and state (province).

How to Submit Material

If you would like to submit one of the above types of material, please e-mail (preferred) or give it to your local pastor. Please include a self-addressed envelope if you would like photos returned. Pastors: Please note your approval to publish the material and forward it to: United News, P.O. Box 541027, Cincinnati, OH 45254-1027 or un@ucg.org.

a smiling woman standing in a field of sunflowers


It’s easy to get caught up in the things that are going wrong—but what are some things we can rejoice about?

United News: July - August 2023

Welcome to the July-August 2023 issue of United News! This issue features photos and bios of recent high school and college graduates. You can read a number of articles on spiritual topics, details of events hosted by local congregations, announcements...
a field with flowers
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Home Office Weekly Update

Let us be in “one accord,” dedicated to living God's truth, and proclaiming it to the world.
ABC Continuing Education Class of 2023
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Home Office Weekly Update

As we approach this upcoming Day of Pentecost, let's pause to reflect on the example of those gathered in Jerusalem in A.D. 31.
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Prophetic Times

Imagine living a life with no regrets or bad feelings left over because of wrong decisions. God wants to give us that kind of uplifting life.
The Ambassador Bible College Class of 2023
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Home Office Weekly Update

As people of “one accord,” God’s people must be united and led by His Spirit.
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West Michigan Camping/Tubing Weekend

Join us from July 7-9 for a weekend of fellowship, camping and fun-filled outdoor adventure!
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Prophetic Times

World events are heading to the fulfillment of prophecies Jesus spoke about nearly two thousand years ago. He taught His disciples to watch key signs occurring in the world. He warned them about end time armies surrounding the one major...
Power to Change: the Transforming Power of God's Spirit
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Home Office Weekly Update

As we prepare for Pentecost, join us in watching the Bible study video series, "Power to Change."
a woman with folded hands sitting with a Bible open in front of her on a table
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Home Office Weekly Update

Every day our commitment to God and our relationship with Him should deepen as we are led by His Spirit.