Given In

Indianapolis, IN

Blessings of the Temple

United Church of God president, Victor Kubik, gives the closing message of the inaugural Sabbath at the newly purchased Indianapolis meeting hall, commending the Indianapolis congregation for their generosity in helping other congregations acquire buildings and now acquiring their own building. He compares the building of “Solomon’s” Temple to the building of God’s spiritual temple—the Church. After reviewing the blessings at the dedication of the “Solomon’s” Temple, both Victor Kubik and Darris McNeely ask God’s blessing on the new building, the congregation and all of their endeavors.

Active in the ministry of Jesus Christ for more than five decades, Victor Kubik is a long-time pastor and Christian writer. Together with his wife, Beverly, he has served in pastoral and administrative roles in churches and regions in the United States, Europe, Asia and Africa. He regularly contributes to Church publications and does a weekly podcast. He and his wife have also run a philanthropic mission since 1999. 

He was named president of the United Church of God in May 2013 by the Church’s 12-man Council of Elders, and served in that role for nine years.

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