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Sacramento, CA

God Loves Our Brokenness

One of the classic effects of sin is hurt, hurt for the sinner and/or hurt to other victims or bystanders. Without Jesus's redemption and God's love, these hurts accumulate and create scar tissue in our hears, minds, and consciences that can begin to change who we are and how we interact with the world. Accumulated hurt leads to dysfunction and brokenness, smaller or larger, in all of us. No one makes it through this life with their heart, mind, and conscience unscathed. God knows this, he knows us deeply, and despite seeing out faults and hurts, He still loves us tremendously. More than that, Jesus's sacrifice can start to clean and repair our brokenness now, so that we can begin to live a new life. In the future, we look forward to the ultimate fulfillment of God's healing promises, when our physical bodies will be discarded and we will have new, spiritual bodies with hearts, minds, and consciences that no longer bear any imprint of our former physical scars.
Matthew Bates

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