Given In

Living a Harmless Life

The world we live in is extremely aggressive toward each other. People are challenging each other all of the time. How are we to handle aggression as a Christian? Explore this subject using Christ has an example.

The world we live in is extremely aggressive toward each other.  People are challenging each other all of the time, often it will take place on our roadways.

Phil. 2:14-15 → Do all things without complaining and disputing.  Shine as lights in the world.

We need to understand how we can handle aggression.

Christ needs to be our example, he set the standard before us.

John 1:29 → The “lamb of God” is the perfect depiction of who he was.

Matt. 12:14

1.)  All men will trust Jesus Christ

Matt 11:28-30 → Take my yoke upon you.  We need to be locked in with Jesus Christ.

We need to learn from Jesus Christ and who He is.  My yoke is easy and my burden is light.  God way is not tough.  What is tough is obeying God when this world does not.

Jesus Christ is our comforter during difficult times.

Isa. 40:11

Heb. 7:26 

We are far more aggressive toward ourselves that Christ is with us.

2.)  We need to become sensitive to aggression.  

Phil. 2:15 → We live in a crooked and perverse generation.  The country that God blessed should be on the forefront of morality and values.  

Too many people live their lives waiting to last out.

Matt. 10:16 → We are sent out as sheep in the midst of wolves.  Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

Rom, 16:17

How do we handle harmful people

3.)  Turn from aggression.

Prov. 27:12 → A prudent man sees it coming and hides himself.

Matt 12:14-15

John 7:1

John 11:53-54 → Jesus Christ fled aggression time and time again.

1 Tim. 6:3-5

2 Tim. 2:24 → A servant of the Lord must not quarrel.  

Satan is out every day of our lives looking to hook us.

James 4:1 → Wars come from inside of us, it is lustful desire to have what someone else possesses.  

James 3:13

Matt. 5:43 


Bart Bornhorst is the pastor of the United Church of God congregations in Bethlehem, Lewistown and York, Pennsylvania. He and his wife Joan have three sons and one daughter.

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