Given In

Salem, OR

My Way

In 1969, Frank Sinatra released the song, "My Way". His "signature song", it references the reflections of a man who has neared the end of his life and looking back over his days on this Earth concludes, that despite the regrets, despite the blows he took, he never lived his life as one who kneeled. He said what we wanted, when we wanted, to who he wanted - He lived life on his own terms. When we consider the Days of Unleavened Bread, and the journey of the Israelites - they wanted to leave Egypt on their terms. They wanted to do it, 'their way'. God had other plans - He was delivering His people, redeeming them in accordance with His plans, not their own. In our own lives, God has redeemed us through the blood of His son. Are we falling into the same old traps as Ancient Israel? Demanding that he do it "Our way?" or have we surrendered, in faith to God's plan in our lives?

Ben is an elder serving as Pastor for the Salem, Eugene, Roseburg, Oregon congregations of the United Church of God. He is an avid outdoorsman, and loves hunting, fishing and being in God's creation.

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