Given In

The State of Society

We live in perilous times, under the influence of a sick and dysfunctional world. Confusion is everywhere. The ability of the Christian message to influence society has been greatly diminished. Anti-God attitudes and values permeate the culture. This is the state of affairs in the world around us: in our workplaces, schools, communities, and we must ask to what degree in our own families and lives. This message considers the current state of society and exhorts us to not allow ourselves to be pushed aside into a world where our faith has no place.

Frank Fish serves as pastor for the Bakersfield and Los Angeles congregations in California. With a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Theology and a minor in Business Administration, he is also the lead executive in a Southern California custom tour and professional travel advisory firm. He and his wife, Valerie, have one adult daughter and they all enjoy travel as a gateway to learning about people, cultures and history.

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