Given In

The Tabernacle of God

A review of the symbolism of the tabernacle of God in scripture

Skip is a UCG member in the Raleigh, North Carolina congregation where he assists with sermonettes and young adult Bible studies. He first came in contact with the church in Southern California in the early 1970s through the broadcast and literature. He started attending services in Dallas, Texas after moving to Plano, Texas.

Skip and his wife, Joyce, were married in 1968 after he returned from Viet Nam and have two sons who also live in Raleigh. Skip and Joyce are both from the northeast, but together have lived in southern California, Texas, southern Mississippi and now (again for the third time) in North Carolina. Even though Joyce is not a church member, she is supportive of his faith and has even written poetry about it.

Skip is a graduate of the Flight Safety Academy in Long Beach, California and taught flying in the air and classroom in California before pursuing other careers in logistics, transportation and now a regional manager of safety and loss prevention for a national insurance company.

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