Given In

The Urgency of the Times

In this sermon Mr. Kevin Call shows from the apostle Paul that we should always realize the urgency of the time we are living in. Mr. Call illustrates that Paul was expecting for Christ to return in his life time. He urged those that were asleep and lackadaisical to act on the calling of God. To be aware of the urgency of the times. We must be alert to the conditions of the world we now live in and be awake and active in our Christian lives.

Kevin was born in Columbus, Ohio, but then moved to southern Ohio shortly thereafter.  He grew up attending the Portsmouth, Ohio congregation of which he currently is the pastor.  

He has an A.A. from Shawnee State University in Electro-Mechanical Engineering, and is employed with General Electric Aviation. He serves as Pastor for the Portsmouth, Ohio, and Paintsville, Kentucky church areas.

His wife Debbie also grew up attending the Portsmouth congregation, which is where they met, married, and have raised their five children.  Debbie is an 8th grade Language Arts Teacher for the Portsmouth City School District.  

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