Student Council Chosen for Class of 2022

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Ambassador Bible College Student Council officers have been chosen for the 2021-2022 academic year. Matthew Rains will serve as student body president, assisted by secretary Audrey McGuire and treasurer Brian Styer. Ariella McNally and Winston Snyder will lead social activities and service activities committees, respectively. 

Ambassador Bible College Student Council officers have been chosen for the 2021-2022 academic year. Matthew Rains will serve as student body president, assisted by secretary Audrey McGuire and treasurer Brian Styer. Ariella McNally and Winston Snyder will lead social activities and service activities committees, respectively. 

Jaclyn Kale will take care of the class message board and keep students up to date with future events. Vanessa Bean will make sure cards are sent out to the sick. Fonetia Duyck will serve as editor of ABC Times and the yearbook. Technical support, including class audio recordings, will be run by Seth Hall. Bryston Bower, as class monitor, will ensure the room and materials are optimal for class. Bryce Fogelson will serve as music coordinator, assisted by Seth Hall and Ariella McNally. 

--Ariana Del Signore


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