
Abraham and Issac, God and Jesus Christ

One of the richest and most symbolic events of the Old Testament involved Abraham, Isaac and Mount Moriah. When God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac on Mount Moriah, Abraham did not try to delay or reason with God. Abraham placed…

Passover For All Time

Was the Israelite Passover in captivity the first such event on that date? God has His appointed times and appointed feasts. Were there events beyond the holy days that occurred on at these times? Also, why did God have to…

Abraham and Sanctification

How can we, as Christians-all of us together in the body of Christ - apply to our own lives in the 21st century the lessons that God taught Abraham so many years ago?

Shining City on a Hill

America was once thought of as a shining city on a hill. But like Israel, it has not lived up to God’s standards. But we must, if we want to be a part of God’s government in Jerusalem for a…

Abraham and Isaac, God and Jesus Christ

Today I want to focus on a specific event in the bible that has great meaning for our Passover preparation. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ was foreshadowed two thousand years in advance by this event in the life of Abraham…

A Test of Faith

Will there be faith on the earth when Christ returns? This is a question that we should think about. Abraham was given a test of faith. He handled it well. Have you thought about how you would handle such a…

Ten Purposes for Trumpets

Many lessons can be learned from God's request of Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. A look at those lessons and ten purposes of trumpets.

God Keeps His Promises

This sermon deals with how God kept His promises to Abraham, Israel and will keep His promises to us.