
God's Promises to Abraham-Part 1

God's promises to Abraham passed on down through Abraham to Ephraim and Manasseh.

The Blessings of Abraham

November is National Gratitude month in the United States. It represents a time in which we are encouraged to set aside specific moments in our life to reflect on our blessings and what we are thankful for. When we consider…

America's Future

Did you know that the future of the greatest nation in the history of the world, America, is recorded in the Bible. In order to understand prophecy, you must know how America and Britain is identifed in the Bible. The…

Another Look

A review of God's blessings through Abraham down to today - modern Israel.

God's Blessings to Abraham

Salvation is not a right of birth, but the descendants of Abraham are blessed in this age.

Is Tithing Only Applicable To Agricultural Produce?

Tithing is a physical discipline intended to teach spiritual principles: one of these spiritual principles is understanding that our physical possessions are not our own but belong to God the Creator of all things

America's True Independence Day

America was founded by sincere men who held a deep faith in God. Although they did not realize it, they were fulfilling Biblical prophecies that God would bless the descendants of Abraham, and specifically Manasseh, one of the two sons…

At the Crossroads of if and Then

We make decisions every day. We face crossroads - do we obey God or man? God allows us individual free choice. God will help us, direct our paths, if we obey and submit to Him. Our nation is also at…

If My People

Could America have a leader that could call the country to Repentance? Would God Relent and Bless this country again? What should we be praying for now?

The Blessings of Abraham - Part 1

Abraham came from “Rrr” of the Chaldees—this is how my grandson likes to say it, but there is much more to learn about Abraham than from where he came.