
Knowledge Alone

We are expected to have and grow in knowledge, however, knowledge alone is not enough. True Christians must apply that knowledge to transforming their lives and putting their faith into action.

Days of Unleavened Bread - Meaning For Us

Sermon webcast on the First Day of Unleavend Bread. Three important "Nots" are shared that we must remember in order to keep the Feast.

The Heeling Feeling

When expressed properly the feeling of anger can be the beginning of healing for you or someone else. It is very important to know that the emotion of anger is not a sin. The challenge resides in processing it in…

Paul: Grace in Action

Early on in his life, Paul made a choice to follow God, and he fulfilled his commitment with exceeding zeal. When God revealed the truth to him and he understood the magnitude of his error, grace became an immensely important…

Jesus Heals a Leper

Christ-centered service should be the goal for every Christian as we emulate the example of Jesus Christ. An example of the depth of Christ's care for those around Him can be found in the example of Him healing a man…


What is the thing that keeps us from drifting along with today's wayward society? The answer is our solid and active faith toward God.

Teaching Them to Observe All Things

As part of the "Great Commission" by Jesus Christ, each of us individually was given instruction about "teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you". We are instructed to both teach through our example and through our…

The Feast of Trumpets is a Call to Action

While we often focus on the future meaning of the Feast of Trumpets, there are several calls-to-action that we can answer on this day.

I Can't Even ...

Sometimes we can be overwhelmed by the trials of everyday life. In this sermonette, Kirk Talbott discusses what we can do when troubles - even small ones - begin to impact our lives.

Two Actions That Can Define Our Spiritual Condition

This sermonette delivered in Spanish was presented by a visiting deacon from Chile and was simultaneously translated by pastor Mario Seiglie into English to the congregation. The context of the message covers commitment and communication with God by using examples…