
Actions Speak Louder Than Words

The first section of the Third Commandment is usually the only part quoted, but the later section sheds light on the deeper meaning. In addition, the Hebrew word used for "taking" (the Lord's Name in vain) is really better understood…


Through the life of Nehemiah we can see an example of servant leadership, and learn how to instill these values into our lives.

Pre-Passover Self Examination

Change and sacrifice are the keys to a happy, fulfilling and godly life. At this time of year, with the approach of the Passover, God expects all of His people to engage in a spiritual examination. Michael Bannen, who serves…

Good Enough for Government Work

Listen to this sermon to learn why "Good Enough for Government Work" is not good enough for our pursuit of obtaining the goal of becoming like Jesus Christ.

Guided by God's Word (Part 1)

God's Word is described as a lamp unto our feet and as such, it illuminates our path--showing us the hazards in our way. If we base our life upon God's Word, then establishing a solid foundation in that Word is…

God Respects Action

In the Bible, when it might be thought one should wait upon God for deliverance, and even when God has declared people to stand still and see His deliverance, we have examples of those relying on Him also taking action…

Few Words

Say less, sound smarter!