
The Acts of the Apostles and the Work of the Church

God's church is the means by which He is now preparing this world for Christ's return. He's preparing the future teachers and the future leaders of His kingdom. God is laying a foundation for the world for tomorrow through each…
Acts of the Apostles Lecture 42
Video Series Lesson

Acts of the Apostles: 42 - Acts 23:11-24:24

In this class we will discuss Act 23:11-35 thru Acts 24:1-24 and examine the following: The Lord appears to Paul in a vision, assuring him that he will testify in Rome. A group of Jews plots to kill Paul, but...
Acts of the Apostles Lecture 41
Video Series Lesson

Acts of the Apostles: 41 - Acts 21:26-23:11

In this class we will discuss Acts 21:26-40; Acts 22:1-30 and Acts 23:1-11 and examine the following: Paul participates in a purification ritual in the temple to appease the Jewish believers. However, some Jews from Asia stir up a riot...
Acts of the Apostles Lecture 40
Video Series Lesson

Acts of the Apostles: 40 - Acts 21:1-25

In this class we will discuss Acts 21:1-25 and examine the following: Paul sets sail from Miletus and travels to various cities, eventually arriving in Tyre. There, he is warned through the Spirit not to go to Jerusalem. Nevertheless, he...
Acts of the Apostles Lecture 39
Video Series Lesson

Acts of the Apostles: 39 - Acts 20:3-38

In this class we will discuss Acts 20:3-38 and examine the following: Paul spends three months in Greece, preparing to sail to Syria. As he leaves, a plot against him by the Jews prompts him to change his plans and...
Acts of the Apostles - Lecture 38
Video Series Lesson

Acts of the Apostles: 38 - Acts 19:25-20:3

In this class we will discuss Acts 19:25-41 thru Acts 20:1-3 and examine the following: Demetrius, the silversmith, stirs up a riot among fellow craftsmen in Ephesus because Paul's preaching threatens their idol-making trade. The crowd chants against Paul and...
Acts of the Apostles Lecture 37
Video Series Lesson

Acts of the Apostles: 37 - Acts 19:17-24

In this class, we will discuss Acts 19:17-24 and examine the following: The incident involving the seven sons of Sceva, who attempt to cast out evil spirits in the name of Jesus, becomes well-known. The evil spirit acknowledges Jesus and...
Acts of the Apostles Lecture 36
Video Series Lesson

Acts of the Apostles: 36 - Acts 19:6-16

In this class, we will discuss Acts 19:6-16 and examine the following: Paul laid his hands on some disciples in Ephesus, and they received the Holy Spirit, spoke in tongues and prophesied. Some Jewish men who practiced exorcism attempted to...
Acts of the Apostles Lecture 35
Video Series Lesson

Acts of the Apostles: 35 - Acts 18:12-19:5

In this class, we will discuss Acts 18:12-28 thru Acts 19:1-5 and examine the following: Paul is brought before Gallio, the proconsul, by the Jews who accuse him. However, Gallio refuses to get involved in their religious dispute. After this...
Acts of the Apostles Lecture 34
Video Series Lesson

Acts of the Apostles: 34 - Acts 18:1-11

In this class we will discuss Acts 18:1-11 and look at the following: Paul arrives in Corinth and meets Aquila and Priscilla, who become his partners in tentmaking. He preaches in the synagogue every Sabbath, facing opposition from some Jews...