
God's Seed

God gives us His seed, His divine life and it is the seed that will, if we continue to be faithful, will germinate and we will through that have eternal life in the Kingdom of God.

The Church Marriage Mystery (part 1)

The Bible is clear---Jesus Christ (the Last Adam) will marry the Church. But what does this really mean? The answer begins "in the beginning" with the creation and marriage of Adam and Eve before human sin entered the world.

Tree of Life: Central --- Available -- Dynamic

Speaker: James Malizia 2/8/20 Physical human existence is book-ended with something of great interest and from which we can learn many, many spiritual lessons from... these book-ends are the the Tree of Life. It was in the Garden of Eden…


Many are familiar with the idea of Satan's deception of this world. We must be aware of that fact, but we also must face the very real danger of self-deception. This is something that can be hard to confront, since…

Babylon And Me

What does it mean for us to come out of Babylon? There is a very personal aspect of rejecting Babylon!

Crucified with Christ

Join us for this excellent video sermon about being Crucified with Christ. Are you Crucified with Christ? Join us for the answer to this question and many more.

First Things First

Don’t let Satan influence us from putting first things first.

Artificial Intelligence & You

Technology continues to advance at breakneck speed. New inventions increasingly influence our world. One area of development that has come to the forefront of late is Artificial Intelligence (AI). With its emergence, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking, and other…

What Is Human Nature and How Did We Get It?

What kind of nature did God put in mankind - good, or evil? Was our basic nature changed by Adam's sin so that all people are now born evil? What does the Church teach? In this split-sermon, Bob McCurdy discusses…

The Spirit of Man Versus Machines - Who Will Win?

Technologists and futurists are in a mad race to duplicate human cognition into computers, seeking to bring about the 'singularity'. The word of God tells us that the technology of this age is missing one key component - the spirit…