
Do We Take the Devil Seriously?

Many in this society scoff at the concept of the devil. As God's people do we? We should, and we must be aware of his purpose to thwart God's plan and destroy us as God's children. In the split-sermon, Bob…

Facing An Invisible Adversary.

Do we believe that the God of this world is none other than Satan the Devil? We wrestle in our fleshly bodies against a true ghost in the darkness and never have the chance to face our accuser. He angles…

Satan's Tool Box

A continuation of the Success in Leadership series. To be a successful leader, you must know what you are up against. Be familiar with the strategies and tactics of your adversary or competition.

Satan the Devil (Fundamental Beliefs Part 3)

The speakers discusses the United Church of God's Fundamental Belief about Satan the devil. He is the adversary and accuser of the brethren.

Spiritual Warfare - Part 2

In a continuation of a previous sermonette, Stephen Kusi continues to discuss the warfare that Satan wages against God's people.

Is the Devil our Real Enemy?

Can the devil really make you do anything? Why is there a devil? Did God create the devil and the devil's demons? Listen to this sermon to learn what the Bible teaches us about the devil.

Run the Race of Your Life

Isn’t Life like the Monte Carlo Race? Winning the race and gaining the prize of eternal life.

Down in the Dumps Letter D's of the Devil

The Bible is full of example after example describing our adversary, Satan the devil. Satan desires that we miss out on all that God desires to give us and he will always try to disrupt the relationship with have with…

Adversity: Obstacle or Opportunity

How we face adversity is more important the adversity itself. God has a plan for you and any adversity you face can be used for God's ultimate purpose for your life.

Jesus Christ Our Advocate

Jesus Christ has many roles: Savior, High Priest and soon coming King of Kings. But there is one role we often overlook: Jesus Christ as our Advocate. Today we'll exam His role as our advocate, using the idea of a…