
Malaise: The Curse of Our Age

What does God expect us to do to overcome the general feeling of malaise, uneasiness, despair, discouragement and hopelessness so common to our time? God calls on us to be zealous, repentant and filled with earnest expectation, excitement and enthusiasm…

In But Not of The World

Why Christ would pray that we not be taken out of this world, and that we not be of the world. Are we?

Prophecy and the Spirit of This Age

What is happening in many parts of the world? Tune in and find out!

The Age of the Church

What age are we living in? What is the age to come? And what ages have already occurred? As we think about the beginning of the Church on the Day of Pentecost in 31 A.D., we will explore and examine…

The Coming Famine of the Word

About 2,775 years ago, the Lord God delivered a prophecy through Amos describing "a famine of the hearing of the word is coming...”. What is the “word” not heard, what causes the famine, and what comes afterwards?

Seven Ages In the Family of God

Dr. Steve Holladay, a deacon serving in Buford and Atlanta, GA, discusses the seven ages that God's plan can be segmented into.

The Seven Ages

Isaiah 46:10, Declaring the end from the beginning. And from ancient times things that are not yet done. Saying, My counsel shall stand. And I will do all My pleasure. New King James Version

The Spiritual Blessings of Age

For converted Christians, old age is not a time of stagnation, but can be a time of accelerated spiritual growth.