
Old Age… What For?

Why should pain or frailty in old age be fairly common? Why is old age included in God's plan for most of us in this life? Old age can be humbling and bring us back from the vanity of youth…

The Aging Process & God

The Aging process, though normal and natural, is not easy and brings with it numerous challenges. Yet, built into it by God’s design, are some very important realizations and lessons. This message explores some of those.
Darris McNeely presenting his sermon message.

Sweating With the Oldies

Do you think of growing old as a blessing from God? You should! God identifies old age as one of the blessings resulting from living by His laws, but that blessing is not yours alone. Let's look at some of…

Lessons From Over the Hill

Today's society puts a lot of value of youth. Is this Godly truth? What does God have to say about young and old. Join us for this excellent sermon on "lessons from over the hill".

I Have to Grow Old?

Why do we have to get old? Why did God create it this way? This sermon looks at several reasons why aging is part of God's great master plan.

In Brief

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Positives for Older People

If we live out our natural lives, one thing is sure: We will all get old. It’s a 100 percent certainty with no exceptions other than for those who die prematurely. Aging has its trials, but it also has many...

Appreciating Seniors

It is amazing how many people want to live a long life, and yet so few want to be old.

Treasure Digest

A few days after the nation elected a president, I also crossed a milestone.

Can Science Give Us Eternal Life?

Man has made great strides in technology and medicine, raising the hope that human immortality may be just around the corner. How have these advances come about, and what do they mean for you?