
Millennial Agriculture

In this sermon Gary Smith presents material on agriculture in the millenium. He presents details on how agriculture will change after the return of Christ and the blessings this will bring to our world.

Agriculture in the Bible

Agriculture is prominent in the Bible.
Is a Global Food Crisis Brewing?

Is a Global Food Crisis Brewing?

You've likely noticed recent increases in the cost of food, and no end is in sight. Are we seeing the beginnings of growing food shortages? What's behind this trend, and where is it leading?

You, Me and Haiti... On the Tightrope of Techno-Society

What would we do if we faced such a crisis? With our dependence on all the modern conveniences, I think we would be even less prepared to cope.

World News and Trends

Reporting from Denver, Patrick O'Driscoll wrote in USA Today: "Drought, a fixture in much of the West for nearly a decade, now covers more than one third of the continental USA."

Compass Point and Daily Links


World News and Trends

"Hundreds of millions of honeybees have vanished in 22 US states, leaving keepers financially crippled and jeopardising £8 billion [or $16 billion] of crops that needed insects for pollination" (The Times, Feb. 19, 2007).

World News and Trends

According to government figures, British farmers' incomes dropped by almost 75 percent in five years.