
News Briefs June 12-18


New Pope Faces A Changed World


In Brief... World News Review

Public health officials in New York City recently encountered what appears to be a rapid-onset AIDS strain.

In Brief... World News Review

AIDS infections in Russia are at 1 million.

The Biblical Solution for Africa's Biggest Crisis

At the recent International AIDS Conference held in Bangkok, Thailand, delegates repeatedly condemned abstinence programs. The African continent has been particularly devastated by AIDS. Interestingly, abstinence programs are the only ones that are really working there.

10 Million AIDS Orphans

AIDS has taken a horrible toll in Africa, and the plague is far from over. What will stop the horror?

The High Cost of Ignorance

Few people have ever considered the Bible a reliable guide for good physical and mental health. Yet scattered throughout its pages are priceless laws and principles that would literally save millions of lives every year if we would only pay...

What's the Solution for Africa's Biggest Problem?

The African continent has been devastated by AIDS, and the problem will get far worse before it gets better. Yet on a recent trip to Ghana I saw a glimmer of hope at the Kumasi Virgins Club. If only people...

Luke Is Dead, but Never Forgotten

God calls people of all backgrounds, and sometimes the results of sins of the past bear a high price. "Luke" wanted me to share his story with you.

The High Cost of Ignorance

Editorial note from Scott Ashley