
In Brief... World News Review

"In two short decades HIV/AIDS has tragically become the premier disease of mass destruction," said Dr. Jack Chow of the World Health Organization

What Will Be in 2003?

What will happen in 2003? No human being knows for sure. But we can observe and analyze the storm clouds that are on the horizon.

10 Million Orphans an AIDS Holocaust in Africa

AIDS has taken a horrible toll in Africa. And the plague is far from over. If not conquered, it will take an increasing toll around the world. What will stop this horror?

In Brief... World News Review

Gloomy tidings regarding this leading killer.

Africa's AIDS Crisis

“Then it hit me, ‘I’m playing God,’” writes a doctor treating AIDS patients in Africa. Read the doctor’s sobering account of the horrors of the unending calamity.

World News and Trends

According to The Guardian, "Doctors at the Church of Scotland Hospital in Tugela Ferry [in South Africa] were already grappling with the onslaught of AIDS and its partner in death, tuberculosis."

World News and Trends

Health workers in Britain advocated that pensioners "be given the same sex education as teenagers after statistics indicated that cases of chlamydia among the over-50s had doubled between 2000 and 2005 and cases of genital herpes had tripled" (The Times...

Getting the Four Horsemen Right


Half of Africa Is Disappearing

A large portion of the native population of southern Africa is dying. Efforts to deal with the problem in some cases only are making matters worse.

It's My Life, and It Isn't Hurting Anyone!

How many times have you heard people make this statement? Is it true, or do our deeds affect others?