
It Is Time to Wake Up!

Paul admonished the church in Rome, " is high time to awake out of sleep for now our salvation is nearer that when we first believed". Could you be asleep spiritually? Do you clearly see what's going on around you?

What Are You Watching?

Jesus advised us in Luke 21 to WATCH. The Greek word translated as "watch" here does not mean to visually see, as it does in Matt. 24 and 25. It means "stay alert." What should we be watching?

Lessons from Lions and Their Prey

Mr. de Campos vividly describes observing wild lions and waterbuck (predators and prey) in Africa, and draws spiritual lessons that can help all of us. This sermon was given at the Tacoma Family Weekend, and the passion of the speaker…

Stir Up the Gift of God

A number of times in the Bible we are warned to remain spiritually alert, to be watchful, vigilant. To do so requires us to "stir up" the Spirit, much like tending a fire that requires constant attention and care, Today…

What Do You Mean

Wolves? Snakes? Doves? What was Jesus trying to tell us?

The Message to Sardis

Christ warns all of us of spiritual drowsiness and emphasizes the need to be vigilant and watchful.

Staying Alert in a Dangerous World

It's supremely important that you keep your finger on the pulse of our age, especially on the world's recent nuclear developments.