Media Production

Are You Prepared for the Ultimate Crisis?

As the world is shaken by distressing future events you will need an effective grasp of Bible prophecy.
Media Production

A Lion Roars in America's Streets

After the death of George Floyd, protests, riots and looting have erupted across much of America. Where can we turn for answers during these times?

Amos the Prophet

Amos is a helpful prophecy that goes out to this world as a warning to everyone, including God's people. Learn why Israel needs to repent.

Biblical Lessons from Europe

In my recent travels to Amsterdam, Bonn, and Berlin, I reflected on Europe's history and its role in Bible prophecy. In this sermon I'll share the spiritual lessons I gleamed from these travels.


Amos, a minor prophet, being a man from outside the accepted channels gives a warning that can be heard throughout time and over and over again.

The Coming Famine of the Word

About 2,775 years ago, the Lord God delivered a prophecy through Amos describing "a famine of the hearing of the word is coming...”. What is the “word” not heard, what causes the famine, and what comes afterwards?

Amos the Prophet

Amos is described as a sheepherder and farmer. But God chose him to give a message of warning to the nation of Israel. This message gives an overview of his book.

Lessons from Amos

Amos was sent from Judah to prophesy in the Northern Kingdom of Israel. His message had three important lessons that still apply to Christians today. We must be careful to not allow prosperity, false religion, and resistance to correction lead…
Media Production

A Prophet, a President and a People

Even while we trust in armies for our security, God is our true refuge and the source of all our blessings.

The Persons You Ought to Be

As we anticipate the day of the Lord's return, what manner of person's ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness? How we live should indicate that we are 'forward looking' towards Jesus Christs arrival.