
Anointing and the Laying On of Hands

The practices of anointing and laying on of hands have historic significance in the Bible, but these practices still have relevance for today authorized from New Testament examples.

Are You God's Anointed?

How much do you know about the oil of anointment? How much do you know about what it represents? Holy things have God’s active presence in them and point to a higher reality. Moses’ brother Aaron, Aaron’s sons and their…

The Convenience Store Church

Have you ever thought of your church as a convenience store? As strange as that might seem, many view church as not much more than such a store. What does your church provide you, and more importantly, why do you…

Numbers 8-10_10

This Bible study examines Numbers 8 through verse 10 of chapter 10. It is a continuation of the flashback section to the day the tabernacle was erected in chapter 7. In the concluding note about the tabernacle in chapter 7…

Going on to Perfection

The laying on of hands is part of a ceremony to give authority from God. It's also used in anointing and healing, and the blessing of little children. The prescribed uses that the early church under God's leadership put into…

Saul and David: A Study In Character

Saul and David were the first two men anointed kings over Israel. They both had a lot of similarities, yet were vastly different in character. In this split-sermon, Charles Graby, a deacon serving in Atlanta and Buford, delves into the…

Bible Study-James

In James chapter 4 and chapter 5, he addresses the concepts of lusting and covetousness; worldliness is an enemy of God; God gives grace to the humble; drawing near to God makes the Devil flee from us; there is one…

Principles of Anointing

James 5:14 says, "Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:" This message discusses the application of this…

Healing, Anointing and Health

What is the relationship between healing, anointing and health? Is there a connection? When you are anointed, what should your expectation of healing be, if you are not trying to take care of your health? Do you believe that God…

The Gift of Anointing

God tells us that if we are sick we can be anointed. What is anointing, and why should we do it? This sermon gives a basic but comprehensive overview of anointing.