
It Is Time to Wake Up!

Paul admonished the church in Rome, " is high time to awake out of sleep for now our salvation is nearer that when we first believed". Could you be asleep spiritually? Do you clearly see what's going on around you?


Apathy is a lack of emotion - a state of being unconcerned or indifferent. We must not let the apathy of this world wear us down. The antidote to apathy is zeal. Let's remember God's promises and be zealous for…

Ezekiel's Warning Against Indifference

There are many problems in the world. They seem to be increasing in frequency and intensity. In fact, they seem overwhelming. Do we care? Are we apathetic to the suffering of others? Highlighting events occurring during the time of the…

Spiritual Apathy

Spiritual Apathy: What is it, how can it manifest itself in your life, and where can you go to cure this terminal and life threatening spiritual disease?


In a world that becomes that is becoming increasingly busy, it is not unheard of for professionals to suffer from “burnout,” a condition that can have severe effects on their lives, livelihoods, and families. Is it only those with heavy…

Beware of Apathy

Apathy is a verify dangerous attitude which we are warned about throughout the Bible.


Apathy leads to unrepented sin, which in turn leads to death. This message defines apathy and then discusses several biblical examples of apathy. Zeal is an effective antidote for apathy. The Bible warns us against apathy and exhorts us to…


In a nutshell, we need to increase in our passion for God and His way of life. It must come from the heart.

Overcoming Apathy

Is a state of mind where God doesn't matter to us really where we want to be?
A man looking buildings in a large city.

Overcoming Apathy

There are times in our lives when we lose our way, become stationary and cannot seem to move forward. What can we do?