A boat on a sandy shore with nets.

Follow Me

Jesus’ first disciples left their lives as fishermen to follow Jesus. This commitment would be tested and renewed—an example to all of us.
Media Production

Acts for Today's Disciples: Part 5

What did the apostle Peter do after he denied Christ?

Peter, A Diamond in the Rough

The Story of Peter in the Bible is one of a great transformation that took place in his personal life. His story presents to us, today, a very revealing profile of the conversion process. Let us look at Peter's example…

Embracing the Hard Things on the Narrow Path

It's hard work to be a Christian. It has always been this way. But we have been gifted with the power of the Holy Spirit. With this power we are able to embrace and overcome the difficult things we face…

Peter: The Gung-Ho Apostle

We cover the Biblical passages on the apostle Peter. The Bible reveals quite a bit about this famous apostle.


The apostle Peter was one of the few men in the Bible given a new name by God. He is an inspiring example to us. At times, he showed spiritual immaturity and arrogance, yet strong faith and humility. God used…

Peter, James, John and You

How dedicated were these three men in following Jesus Christ? We are part of a truly great work. How high do we value God’s truth? Is it definitive? How high did these men value God’s truth? To what length did…

The Secret to Walking on Water

Study highlights from the life of the apostle Peter. Uncover the secret to walking on water. Relate to the humanity of struggling to live a new life in Jesus Christ.
From Disciple Simon to Apostle Peter - an Amazing Transformation

From Disciple Simon to Apostle Peter - an Amazing Transformation

When Peter received the Holy Spirit, he was obviously converted. But reading the first 15 chapters of Acts and Peter’s two epistles reveals a remarkably different man. If Peter could change that much, then we, too, can experience significant growth.

The Cost of Ignorance

Ignorance has a terribly high price tag—but understanding and overcoming it can really pay off.