
Below are some resources commenting on current affairs in Asia and how they may be leading to a biblically-prophesied future.

China: Cooperation or Conflict?


Concern is growing over China's increasing assertiveness and conflicts with other nations. What is behind the Asian Dragon's growing aggressiveness, and where does Bible prophecy say this will lead?
Japan's Earthquake Disaster: A Foretaste of Worse to Come?

Japan's Earthquake Disaster

The world was shocked by the destructiveness of the recent earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan. The disaster proved that even a modern, technologically advanced nation is helpless against the forces of nature. What perspectives does the Bible offer on...
Japan Copes With Overwhelming Devastation

Japan Copes With Overwhelming Devastation

Millions of beleaguered and traumatized inhabitants of Japan are still struggling to come to terms with a staggering disaster—the world's costliest thus far. What is the fallout? And what can the Bible tells us about such calamities?
A tug boat among the debris in Ofunato, Japan following earthquake and tsunami.

What’s Happening to Our World?

Recently Newsweek magazine wrote of “a pileup of disasters, crises and wars.” The world appears to be entering a meltdown mode. Astute observers are now asking questions like “What on earth is happening to us?” Does the Bible tell us...

Can Iodine Pills Protect You from Radiation Exposure?

The devastating triple-tragedy of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown has the world on high alert. People are stocking up on iodine pills to help ensure safety from radiation. But is there another, more effective form of protection from disaster?


The Bible foretells great earthquakes at the time of the end. But are these quakes the sign of the return of Jesus Christ?

World News and Trends

China reminds one observer of 19th-century America, a go-getting nation of yesteryear. Eventual economic warfare with the dragon nation becomes an increasing possibility with the passage of time.

Where Is Our World Headed

It's that time again for an annual analysis and assessment. That's when many observers look back to yesteryear—and also peer into a somewhat clouded future. Secular predictions for 2011 and beyond are multiple and varied. But does the Bible have...

Prophetic Trends Observed as 2011 Begins

Economics was the force that determined the course of world history—and continues to be a primary force in the drive toward fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

Hope for India's Dalits

India's Dalits, once referred to as untouchables, are still struggling, but worshipping the goddess of the English language will not solve the problem. God's fair and equitable Kingdom will.