
Below are some resources commenting on current affairs in Asia and how they may be leading to a biblically-prophesied future.

Media Production

Coronavirus Outbreak

A new virus outbreak reminds us how quickly disease can spread in a connected world.

Locusts of Revelation Nine

In this powerpoint presentation, the speaker examines the life cycle of a locust swarm and uses that information to shed light on the locust swarm mentioned in Revelation 9.
Missing Plane Underscores Culture of Fear

Missing Plane Underscores Culture of Fear

Media Production

The Balkans of Asia

Could a crisis in Asia spark a larger war dragging in China, Russia and America? Many leaders feel this could happen. So why does this matter to you?
A globe showing Asia and China.

Why Not Asia?

Many warn that China or another Asian state or confederation will replace the United States as the world's dominant power.
A hand grabbing another person's hand - helping.

Is there any real GOOD in a natural disaster?


Current Events & Trends

China is pursuing an enormous military buildup on both land and sea.
Currency Wars Precursor to Trade Wars

Currency Wars

A stunning move by the Swiss National Bank in September signals the opening round of a currency war as Switzerland sets exchange limits to protect its domestic economy. What are the ultimate repercussions of such actions?

Eurasia SCO Supplants U.S. Dominance

While the United States continues to vie for influence in Central Asia, a multi-state organization of Central and East Asian powers is gaining in prominence in this important region. Does this hold any prophetic significance? What does it mean for...
They Were Not Afraid To Die

This is the Way Walk in It

What has emerged from this multidimensional tragedy and caught the world's attention is not the size or scale of the quake or tsunami, or nuclear waste leaks, but the size of the hearts of everyday workers at the plant who...