
A Blessing from God

Three characteristics of little children we can emulate in our spiritual lives.

The Blessings of Asking God

God tells us in many place in scripture to ask him for the things we need. A look into different ways and approaches to asking God, not for what we might want, but what we need.

Lessons from the Adulterous Women

After listening to this message, brethren will know and understand what to say and do when they are in doubt and do not know what to say or do.

Wanted: People of Discernment

To live in this evil world, God's people need spiritual discernment! In this sermon, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford GA congregations, discusses what discernment is and how we can go about obtaining it from God.

God will Give Protection

God’s protection as we require He requires. He will never leave us.

King David's Model Prayer

There is a model prayer in the Old Testament, too. It parallels in many ways the model given in Matthew Chapter Six. Let's look at it in more detail.

Guide My Steps

1) Prepare for success 2) Read and Study 3) Ask for Straight Paths 4) Light my path 5) Beware of a false summit

The Prophet's Question

It was interesting to me, as I read the book of Habakkuk, how he approached our Father. Then, to read how he posed his questions to God. Have you ever asked a question of God in such a manner? How…

The Beginnng of Wisdom

A really good sermon on Wisdom, the foundation of wisdom and how we can truly seek to ask God for more of it

Ten Attributes of Prayer

Our prayers are more effective when we understand these ten attributes that are conveyed onto us.