
The Meanings of the Trumpets

Trumpets, or shofars, were used in ancient Israel for a variety of reasons. In this message, we'll explore the reason they were used then, as well as how and why the trumpet will be used at the return of Jesus…

Circle the Wagons

Why do we need our brethren, and what are the benefits of assembling together?

The Convenience Store Church

Have you ever thought of your church as a convenience store? As strange as that might seem, many view church as not much more than such a store. What does your church provide you, and more importantly, why do you…

The Assembly

The video version of this sermon can be seen at: The word translated "Church" in the Bible (ekklesia) refers to the people, the assembly, not the building in which they meet. The Church is a spiritual organism, not a…

Keeping the Sabbath Holy

How we can avoid customary work on the Sabbath? What is customary work? Is some "work" acceptable on the Sabbath?

Am I My Brother's Keeper

We are to watch out for our brethren. Developing relationships with those in the Church is foundational to being able to properly care for them. There are several ways in which we can effectively be "our brother's keeper".