
God’s Commanded Assembly

An examination of the scriptural principles behind our attendance and participation at God’s appointed feasts—including the weekly Sabbath—including why we should be there, legitimate reasons we may not sometimes, and three misapplications of Scripture on this subject.

The Meanings of the Trumpets

Trumpets, or shofars, were used in ancient Israel for a variety of reasons. In this message, we'll explore the reason they were used then, as well as how and why the trumpet will be used at the return of Jesus…

Three Steps To More Active Fellowship

How can we pursue fellowship that is active... intentional... mindful... and pleasing to our Father Creator.

The Convenience Store Church

Have you ever thought of your church as a convenience store? As strange as that might seem, many view church as not much more than such a store. What does your church provide you, and more importantly, why do you…

The Assembly

The video version of this sermon can be seen at: The word translated "Church" in the Bible (ekklesia) refers to the people, the assembly, not the building in which they meet. The Church is a spiritual organism, not a…

Reflections of Assembly Required

This message expounds upon the importance of brethren not forsaking coming together with one mind and one heart in the assembly of God.

The Importance of Assembling and Worshipping Together

What do you think of when you hear the word assembly? You may think of a school assembly, where people in the local area come together to discuss activities and things affecting the local school system. You may think of…

The Importance of Gathering on the Sabbath

Pastor Bart Bornhorst gives a message about the importance of assembling for Sabbath services. We can be distracted while living in a wealthy country causing us to fall into a spiritual strap.

Assembly, Communion and Fellowship

How important is it that we assemble together? "Forsake not the assembly of yourselves together", why? Why God created an assembly for the church of God is a very critical matter we must understand.