
Accentuate the Positive

How can we define a positive attitude? This message hopes to distinguish the differences and show how to foster a real positive godly attitude.

Money and Wealth in the Bible

Speaker: David Marigian 2/29/30 This message looks at God's view of money and wealth, and what should be our view of money and wealth. We see that God approves of the use of money and wealth if we have the…

The Beatitudes - A Conclusion

Speaker: Luis De Andrade 2/29/2020 The beatitudes represent the very core and foundation of teaching for Christ's following. Obeying the commands of Christ as found throughout the Gospels will transform us into beings exhibiting these "Attitudes of Being." Pls. Note…

A Child of God

Being humble like a child to understand what God is seeking from us requires our hearts and minds to overcome our adversary. We will delve into the scriptures to see how we can accomplish this.

The One Another’s

The household of faith is commanded throughout the New Testament to relate to "one another" with certain traits and attitudes. A study of those commands shows themes that we should keep in mind as we interact with our fellow believers.

God's Peace

We may feel we know for sure what God’s Peace is. We may even think we know how to have it and keep it. Well, since Christ gave it to the disciples on the night before His crucifixion, and then…

The Propelling Attitude

This sermon was given on the “Teen Sabbath.” They say your attitude can “make” you or “break” you; that it can propel you forward, or hold you back. In this sermon, we look at the effect “attitude” had on the…

Remember the Tower of Babel

The people who began building the tower had a prideful attitude. God humbled the proud then and will humble the proud in the future.

What You Can't Take with You

We should be different and bring an attitude that brings peace to our homes, our work and our lives. We should teach and admonish each other. These good attitudes and our conversion is what we bring into the Kingdom.

Are You Poor Enough?

Have you ever thought about what it means to be poor? We most often think about dollars and cents when when we think about poor, but what about our attitude? Have you ever seen anyone have a 'poor' attitude? Have…