
What will it take to keep the Feast again next year?

Having just returned from the Feast of Tabernacles, many have already begun to think about the Feast next year. Hopefully you just returned from 'the Best Feast ever,' but if not, it's never too soon to start preparing for next…

Are You Poor Enough?

Have you ever thought about what it means to be poor? We most often think about dollars and cents when when we think about poor, but what about our attitude? Have you ever seen anyone have a 'poor' attitude? Have…

What Makes C.A.M.P. so Great!

We hear a lot about how much or teens and children enjoy summer camp. But have you ever wondered what makes camp so great? In this informative message about United Youth Camps, we'll explore 4 of the reasons that make…

Influences: For Good or Bad

Each of us face influences everyday. Some of these influences are good and some are bad or even evil. Do we allow these to affect us? Do we act only as a good influence in our relationships with others around…


Where can we go to find a network of basic attitudes that please Christ and are instructive to us? Where is this information revealed? The answer is The book of Revelation! The message to the 7 Churches teaches us seven…

Examining Yourself Before Passover

1 Corinthians 11:27-32 It is possible to take the Passover in a manner that is unworthy… to take it in an irreverent way, with a wrong attitude. Therefore, we are cautioned to examine ourselves in an honest and open way.

Festival Attitudes

Good and bad Festival attitudes that we can have and how to make sure we have more of the good ones as we approach the fall Holy Day Season.

Bible Study - Where Do We Start ?

This message looks at three reasons why God wants us to study the Bible and the proper mental approach we need to have in personal Bible study.

Bible Study - Where Do We Start ?

This message looks at three reasons why God wants us to study the Bible and the proper mental approach we need to have in personal Bible study.

Positive vs. Negative

This is a look at positive and negative attitudes.