
The "one Another's"

The household of faith is commanded throughout the New Testament to approach "one another" with certain traits and attitudes. A study of those commands shows themes that we should keep in mind as we interact with our fellow believer.

Guided by God's Word (Part 3)

As we continue our series on being Guided by God's Word, today we will explore the idea of resisting wrong. In our spiritual life we are at war. Sun Tzu, in his famous work, The Art of War, once said…


How often do we, as Christians, adopt a whatever attitude toward our responsibility to living God's way of life?

Job's Lesson: Going Through Trials

Enduring trials that last may cause us to have a demanding attitude for relief. Reviewing the story of Job can help us remain humble before God, accepting His will in our lives during such trials.
Judgement Free

Judgement Free

Do you sweat the difficult situations in life or do you promote an atmosphere of proper enablement towards self and others?

Spilled Milk

We all carry "pails" of attitudes; and when they spill, we tell the world what we really are like. It may be time to discover what attitudes we are carrying.

Reflections of Ourselves

What we see in others can tell us a lot about ourselves.