
His Wondrous 'Omni' Characteristics

Speaker: James J Malizia 4/11/20 Location: Orinda In this message presented by James J Malizia on April 11, 2020 it is discussed how we can find great solace and comfort in thinking on and praising our loving God in that…

Who Can Stand In God's Presence?

Who can stand in the presence of God? Guest speaker, Chris Rowland, explains what it means to fear God and shows who can stand in God's presence.

Standing in Awe!

What does it mean for us, mature and young-alike, to stand in awe? When was the last time that you were awestruck? What takes your breath away? Do you reflect on the sheer awesomeness all around us?

Standing in Awe

What takes your breath away? What makes you awestruck? It is defined by being in the presence of something great. We will explore the topic in this message of what it means to stand in awe.

The Ten Days of Awe

Judgment, repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation are four themes that religious Jews focus on during the first ten days of the seventh month. They refer to these days as "The Ten Days of Awe." For Christians, a closer examination of these…

Fear Our Loving God

Deuteronomy 14 shows that one of the reasons why we’re told to go to the feast is so that we can learn to fear the Lord our God. Having a right and healthy fear of God is a vital part…

The Fear of the Lord

The Bible defines the "Fear of the Lord" is a surprising number of ways. It does not simply mean to be afraid of God.

Fear of God vs. Cowardly Fear

What is the difference? Listen in to know how to avoid getting confused about the matter.

Why ARE You Here?

Why did you come to the feast? It was commanded? For a family vacation? What is our focus? Why are we here? How you answer these questions will have a HUGE impact on what you take home from the feast…

Learning to Fear God at the Feast

Fear and rejoicing do not seem to go together, yet God tells us to go the Feast to learn to fear Him by rejoicing. Understanding what the proper fear of God is helps us to see how rejoicing with brethren…