
Babel, Joel, and Pentecost

Mankind began with a single language which helped bring them unity. In this sermon Mr. smith shows that because of human nature God confused their languages at the tower of Babel. Mr. Smith then asked, why did Peter quote from…

A Reign of Righteousness

This message examines the government in man’s history shortly after the flood when government began on this earth that took man down the wrong road and the effects it had, contrasted with the effects of Christ’s reign after he returns…

Lessons from Babel

People came together at Babel in rebellion against God. They built a tower to challenge God. We are building towers still to challenge God in our lives. What lessons can we learn from the experience at Babel?


From the confusion at Babel to the Kingdom the return of one language.

Beware of Babylon

The Bible has much to say about the false system that influences this world. In this sermon, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford GA congregations, discusses the origins and influence of Babylon on the world, and the fate…

Babel - Defiance Against God

Nimrod, a mighty one against God, set a pattern of Pagan worship and a movement to make a name for man in direct defiance of God and what He stands for. Satan continues with this movement today throughout the Earth…

Lessons from Babel

People came together at Babel in rebellion against God. They built a tower to challenge God. We are building towers still to challenge God in our lives. What lessons can we learn from the experience at Babel?

Lessons From Babel

We must remain aware and guarded against the defiant attitude of Babel.

Why God Must Reign

Man has always had the desire to create, establish and administer one world-ruling empire. History shows that man’s efforts to create such empires goes back to the flood. Yet all of man’s plans have failed and scripture makes it clear…
The Twelve Months - Part One

The Twelve Months - Part One

Usually, we move through life existing within a calendar we take for granted, but have you ever wondered about the origin of the names and structure of our calendar months?