
Daniel 4 - Babylonia Egomania

This is the fourth in a series on the book of Daniel, proposing that we live in a type of Babylon - a different world system that does not know God. This message, based on Daniel Chapter 4, analyzes the…

Thy Kingdom Come

The disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, and part of the model prayer includes the phrase "Thy kingdom come." This sermon discusses why Christ included this phrase in the model prayer.

Pray for Peace

Do you ever have trials or see things in life that leave you wondering 'why?' Why does God allow this or that to happen? Or perhaps, why can't I get the things I 'need' in life? Sometimes, we think we…

Daniel 3 - Pavlovian Babylonian Worship

The third in a series on the book of Daniel exploring the premise that we live in a type of Babylon - a world system that is antithetical to God and His Way. This message, based on Daniel 3, analyzes…

Trials of the Saints Amidst the End Time Babylon!

In the time of the end, mankind and the saints will struggle even as there is a rising of a strong power in a great and frightening era during a Babylon of confusion. How can we as “saints” of God…

Babylon and the Beast

Our guest speaker Mr. Darris McNeely speaks about the corrupt system of Babylon at the end of the age and the role it also played in the lives of Ancient Israelites, specifically Daniel.

The Two Women of Revelation

In the book of Revelation, we read about two women. Who are they, what do they represent, and why does it matter to you? Today we'll explore this fundamental key to understanding the prophecy foretold in the book of Revelation!

Come Out of Her My People

This world's system is a modern day Babylon. We, as Christians and followers of Jesus Christ, are expected to come out of this world's ways.

What Part of Egypt are You Proud Of?

The ancient Israelites could have walked away from Egypt at the Exodus. However, they ended-up carrying part of Egypt out with them. Some were proud of the things they brought with them. What part of our world that we carried…

Babylon and Laodicea

They’re the names of literal ancient cities, both of which are now uninhabited. Even though they are physically gone, their influence and the attitudes those cultures typified and engendered are alive and well today. What are some of those Babylonian…