
How We Deceive Ourselves

How does Satan deceive the world? How does our human nature deceive us? What can we do to resist Satan’s deception?

Babylon in Bible Prophecy

Tracing Babylon through the scriptures to understand its significance in prophecy, both past and future.
Media Production

Fall of Babylon

We must identify the "Babylon" of today and come out of it.
Media Production

Slouching Toward Babylon

As the world continues its inevitable decline into Babylon, are we remaining vigilant? Or will we be found wanting?

Daniel 7

The Book of Daniel contains prophecies that are to occur in the future leading into the end-time of this age. Daniel interpreted the Babylonian king's dreams after God revealed their meanings to him. He lived in that pagan land but…

Daniel 6 - The Lions in Daniel's Den

We live in a type of Babylon - a culture that does not know God. This message is the sixth of a series on the book of Daniel, drawing lessons on how to live and respond appropriately in this world…

December 25th and the Abomination of Desolation - Are They Related?

Many of the so-called "gods" of antiquity amazingly had their presumed birthday on December 25th. In this sermon by Dr. Steve Holladay, a deacon serving in Atlanta and Buford, discusses this date and it's connection to the biblical Abomination of…

Corrupting Christianity

Christianity has been under attack from corruption since the beginning. False doctrine has always tried to infiltrate God's truth. But there is no place in the truth for a lie. We have to beware of falsehoods and of being tired…

The Last Night In Babylon, You Knew

Speaker: Jonathan D. Garnant 12/21/19 We live in a type of Babylon - a culture that does not know God. This message is the fifth of a series on the book of Daniel, drawing lessons on how to live and…

Daniel 5 - Biblical Graffiti

We live in a type of Babylon - a culture that does not know God. This message is the fifth of a series on the book of Daniel, drawing lessons on how to live and respond appropriately in this world…