Background of the Bible

"And it happened, when all our enemies heard of it, and all the nations around us saw these things, that they were very disheartened in their own eyes; for they perceived that this work was done by our God" (Nehemiah 6:16).

How did the Bible come into existence? Who wrote it? What was happening as it was being written? All these questions and more are answered here in the Background of the Bible.


The End-Time Middle East

We can see turmoil in the history, as well as in the future, of the Middle East. Events in this region are destined to effect the lives on everyone on earth.

Lessons From Ecclesiastes

What can we learn about vanity from Ecclesiastes? How does seeking pleasure for the moment lead to disaster? The author of Ecclesiastes pleads with us to learn from his mistakes.

Paul's Prison Epistles -Short on Complaints and Long on Praise

Some of the most encouraging words in the Bible, are written by a man who was incarcerated for years. Take a detailed look at the mindset and the environment of Paul to better appreciate his "Prison Epistles".

People of the Book

We are supposed to be people of the Book, but how can we know that the Bible is the word of God? Can we prove the Bible is true? Let's examine some things that prove the validity of the Bible.
Scott Ashley standing in the Valley of Hinnom.

A Trip to Hell and Back

Do you know the truth about "hell" as described in the Bible? Come along on a journey with someone who's been there and returned!

Nahum - A Warning to Us All

We're going to look at the "rest of the story" of Nineveh and take a close look at the Book of Nahum. What can we learn from Nahum's message to Nineveh? Does it have an end-time significance? Is it relevant…
The Bible, the Truth, and The History Channel

The Bible, the Truth, and The History Channel


The Spirit of Pentecost

Peter spoke on Pentecost in Acts 2 when Christ's disciples first received the Holy Spirit. Mr. McNeely discusses the significance of this day and the monumental meaning for God's firstfruits.

Prove the Truth

Do you have a strong biblical foundation? When someone tries to question something we believe, we need to know how to prove the truth using God's Word.

Biblical Literacy

Darris McNeely reviews the benefits of blowing the dust off your Bible in a consistent and daily manner.