
How your Habits Affect your Life Physically and Spiritually

What do we overcome, bad habits. Practice what God commands us to do and don't let your habits dictate your actions.

Is Your Joy Infectious?

Speaker: Tom Meece 8/24/19 Most are unaware that the biblical fruit of joy can be deliberately developed. This message focuses on 4 areas that can be developed to produce joy, and points out some bad habits that steal our joy…

Replacing Bad Habits

After listening to this message, brethren will know and understand eleven tools from the Bible to help them replace bad habits with good habits.

What Do We Do Now? A Post-Feast Message

We have returned from the Feast of Tabernacles, the most joyful time of the Christian year, back into this world, and back to being faced with our carnal nature. We return to bad habits caused by our fleshly weaknesses and…
A woman reading a Bible.

Calling Evil Good

How we react to the influence of those around us is important in our Christian lives.

Bad Habits

And why do bad habits rule over good habits? Instant gratification. Our want for instant gratification lead us toward sin. Our dealing with our want for instant gratification will help us overcome issues in our lives as well as our…
Life's Choices

Life's Choices

From the time we are small children and throughout our adult lives, we have to make choices that affect the rest of our lives. As we grow older, those choices become more complicated and difficult—and the consequences more serious.

Amusement Addiction Society's Unhealthy Obsession With Entertainment

Our society is obsessed with entertainment. Kids and adults alike seem attached to their MP3 players, PDAs, remote controls and other electronic devices. Newscasters and college lecturers have replaced "newsy" messages with more entertaining approaches. Is that bad? What steps...

Habits--Easy to Form, Hard to Break

We all have stumbling blocks in life, but there’s encouragement to break these habits.

Rising Above the Ruts

Climbing out of ruts is not easy and staying out can be harder.