
And the War Rages

With our beliefs under attack, our society diminishing the need to believe and our country divided on many levels; we must prepare to defend ourselves as the war rages. Let’s look at scriptures that will help us see, defend and…

Do You Believe in Miracles?

Miracles prove God's existence. There are many examples in the Bible of God fighting battles miraculously. We fight battles daily in our own life in which miracles are performed.

Where Honor is Due

The apostle Paul said to give honor where honor is due. Thank you to those veterans who have fought to protect our religious freedom and to God's people who fight the good fight. They are wearing the whole armour of…

Our Spiritual Battle

In this life there are many battles. There have been battles throughout history that we can read about. But what about OUR Spiritual battles?

In God We Trust

God teaches us about trust in His Word. But just what is trust? What does it mean to trust in God? We can truly trust in God if we daily commit to His way of life.

The Lord God Is With You

In Deuteronomy 20 we are admonished to rely on God when we face trials that might seem insurmountable. We are reminded that God can and will fight our battles. In order to realize this we must have complete trust in…

The Two Lions

The Bible describes Christ as a lion. Today we explain how that description helps us understand more deeply Joel 3:16

Fight the Good Fight

Keep the faith during the battles ahead of us. God fights our battles for us.

They Shall Not Learn War Anymore

We are to be children of peace not war. There is a time coming where none shall learn war anymore.

Knocking Down Strongholds

Paul writes, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God..” What are strongholds, what are some…