
The Importance of Sound Doctrine

What is doctrine? It is important? Does it really matter what your church teaches or what you believe? In this message, we explore what doctrine is, and why it is vitally important to you and for generations to come!

How Sharp is Your Sword

Can you thoroughly explain God’s existence to someone that questions your belief in God? The Bible proves God’s existence, but there are other ways to help someone understand and come to believe in God.

Maintaining Sound Doctrine

Paul admonished both Timothy and Titus to continue teaching the things that they themselves had been taught. To maintain sound doctrine and to avoid those things that do not pertain to growing in God's divine nature.

Jesus Christ's Return and Coming Reign

We believe in the personal, visible, premillennial return of the Lord Jesus Christ to rule the nations on earth as King of Kings and to continue His priestly office as Lord of Lords. At that time, He will sit upon...

The Resurrections and Eternal Judgment

We believe that the only hope of eternal life for mortal humans lies in the resurrection through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. We believe that at the return of Jesus Christ a resurrection to spirit life will take place...


We believe in tithing as a way of honoring God with our substance and as a means of serving Him in the preaching of the gospel, the care of the Church, attending the festivals and helping the needy (Proverbs 3:9-10...

The Church

We believe that the Church is that body of believers who have received and are being led by the Holy Spirit. The true Church of God is a spiritual organism. Its biblical name is "the Church of God." We believe...

God's Purpose for Mankind

We believe God's purpose for mankind is to prepare those whom He calls—and who elect through a life of overcoming sin, developing righteous character and growing in grace and knowledge—to possess God's Kingdom and become kings and priests reigning with...

Promises to Abraham

We believe in God's enduring righteousness. That righteousness is demonstrated by God's faithfulness in fulfilling all the promises He made to the father of the faithful, Abraham. As promised, God multiplied Abraham's lineal descendants so that Abraham literally became the...

Military Service and War

We believe that Christians are forbidden by the commandments of God from taking human life directly or indirectly and that bearing arms is contrary to this fundamental belief. Therefore, we believe that Christians should not voluntarily become engaged in military...