A man holding an open Bible.

Becoming a Member of God's Church

Surprisingly, an individual cannot "join" the Church of God on his or her own.
Looking up through water at the sky.

Steps to Initial Repentance and Conversion

What must take place for us to receive God's forgiveness and grace?
A woman sitting on a rock overlooking a body of water.

What Should We Meditate About?

God’s Word is filled with subjects on which we can meditate.
A woman reading a Bible by a window.


We can greatly improve the quality of our prayers and Bible study when we think carefully—or meditate—about what God says to us through His Word and what we say to Him in prayer. How can we use the tool of...
A Bible laying on a table.

Proofs of the Bible

God doesn't want blind faith. He wants you to have faith based on solid evidence. "Test [prove] all things; hold fast what is good," He tells us (1 Thessalonians 5:21). You can prove the divine origin, authenticity and accuracy of...
A Bible laying on a table.

Great Themes of the Bible

The Bible is unified by profound themes running through it. Although it contains a number of major themes, here are three of the most important.
A person holding a Bible.

Learn, Live and Love the Bible

God has given us His revelation of what we need to know but could not learn on our own. He has given us a handbook for life—the Bible. How can we best use this wonderful tool for spiritual growth He...
Un hombre orando al lado de su cama

The Privilege and Power of Prayer

The Bible reveals and discusses important tools we can use to grow spiritually and build our relationship with God the Father and Jesus Christ. We first examine the crucial tool of prayer—a key to communication with our Creator.

How to Use Biblical Quotes and References

Although we quote many biblical references for your convenience, this is intended as a Bible study course. To receive the full benefit of each lesson, you must actively participate.

Relying on God in an Uncertain World!

It is abundantly evident that we live in an uncertain world. Does God promise something better for us?