
Disappointment with God Part 3

The Book of Job is not from Job's point of view, but from God's point of view. Not of suffering but our response to testing, will we trust in God when things feel unfair, when it feels God is silent…

How Do We “Stir Up” God’s Holy Spirit?

Paul likened God’s Spirit to an ember in a dying fire. He encouraged Timothy to stir up the live coal, to fan it into flames. He knew we must guard against neglecting the gift of God’s Spirit, of letting the…

Proverbs 29:18 - The Big Picture

Do you know what life is about? Do you as a Christian have a vision of the future? Do you as a Christian see the Big Picture and does it bring you happiness?

Being a Teacher in the World Tomorrow

Four keys in becoming a teacher – Learn the truth, keep the big picture, live the truth and practice teaching.

Christianity 101: God's Big Picture

The majority of people in the world and the U.S. believe that life has resulted from an evolutionary process. This, despite the overwhelming evidence that the complexity we see shows that this is not possible. In this sermon, Philip Aust…

Maintaining Sound Doctrine

Paul admonished both Timothy and Titus to continue teaching the things that they themselves had been taught. To maintain sound doctrine and to avoid those things that do not pertain to growing in God's divine nature.

Talents and Skill Are Not Enough

The business world is taking notice that just having skills and talents related to a job function is not all the is needed by a leader in a company. In this sermon, Charles Graby, a deacon serving in Atlanta and…

Talents and Skill Are Not Enough

The business world is taking notice that just having skills and talents related to a job function is not all the is needed by a leader in a company. In this sermon, Charles Graby, a deacon serving in Atlanta and…

The Big Picture of Abraham

God’s master plan was smashed to pieces and put back together, here a little there a little. No one can get the facts of a big picture if we only look at one scripture. Scattered pictures don’t put the whole…

Where Are We on Life's Journey from the Immature to the Mature?

Passover is not the only time that self-examination is helpful. We live in perilous times and the end of the age is near at hand. This sermon gives food for thought on areas of spiritual concern to all end time…