
Born Again, Born of God

Mark Helseth discusses the parallel of both physical and spiritual birth and how the prior can help you conceptualize the latter and better understand what it means to be Born of God.

The Promise Made Before the Foundation of the World

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 5/25/19 What is the nature of Jesus Christ? Judaism and Islam accept Jesus as a prophet, but certainly do not accept Him as God. The dominant Christianity, which is Trinitarian, says that Jesus is of an essence…

The Fear and Excitement of Childbirth

We are like a woman expecting a baby: we need to take care of our body and mind that will someday give birth to what we shall be. Women are encouraged to strengthen their bodies during their pregnancy. This is…

Begettal and Birth

Vital steps in God’s plan of salvation hinge on begettal and birth. Man’s great transcendental purpose is to become spiritually begotten and born sons of God. Explore the beautiful tapestry of the Bible and gain a deeper understanding and appreciation…

Four Most Important Days of Your Life

What are the four most important days. Birth, calling, baptized and Feast of Trumpets.

Never Asked to be Born?

Is it true that "I never asked to be born?" Don't be too sure.
God intended that our physical life, in so many ways, to reflect what he has in store for us.

God’s Gift of Grace

Two months ago Michelle and I were in Roseville, California, for the birth of our daughter and son-in-law’s first child. God gave Grace on Thanksgiving Day, a true gift since it was a national holiday and everyone was off work...

Pregnancy Resources

Pregnancy Resources

Preparing for Pregnancy

It may be the most godlike thing you have a chance to do.

As a person who follows Jesus Christ's teachings and believes in the Son of God, shouldn't I celebrate His birthday?

I need to know the exact—or better still, the true Bible birth date—of Jesus Christ. Is this possible?