Birth of Jesus Christ

Does the Bible tell us when Jesus Christ was born?


The Nativity Scene - Right, Almost Right and Wrong

The nativity scene is frequently seen at this time of year. Let's consider what is right, almost right and wrong with how this important biblical event is represented.

In the Fullness of Time, Part 1

In Galatians chapter 4, the Apostle Paul tells us that God brought forth Jesus "in the fullness of time". Luke, in his nativity narrative, tells us "in those days, a decree went out from Caesar Augustus". What did those in…

The Birth of Jesus Christ - An IQ Test

God is not pleased when people copy or borrow religious customs from pagan observances and re-label them… in an attempt to worship Him. Yet, Jesus Christ was indeed born to be a Savior. But, I wonder how much people really…

The Birth of The Christ

The Biblical Account is about GOD drawing us to Him for HIS Purposes and HIS Design for HIS Children. The world has little idea if any what the Birth of Jesus Christ means. So, let’s see what God says about…

Biography of Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ

The mother of Jesus Christ was a remarkable woman. Today let's survey what the Scriptures and history tell us about her life.

When was Jesus Actually Born?

The traditionally viewed Christian world is ramping up for its favorite holiday this coming Monday. Americans spend more money on Christmas than any other holiday of the year (although Halloween runs a close second). This mid-winter season is assumed to…

We Must Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth

As we draw closer to a time of year that many celebrate as the birth of Jesus Christ, I thought it might be helpful to discuss why we choose not to observe Christmas. No… we are not against fun, or…

Christmas- Does it Really Matter?

Join us for this exciting study on the worlds holiday of Christmas. Do you think Christmas is a pagan holiday? Does God approve of us celebrating Christmas? did you know Christmas was celebrated thousands of years before the birth of…

The Story not told About the Birth of Christ

Excellent video sermon on facts and time line of the birth of Jesus Christ. Do you know the time of the year of Jesus's birth? join us for the answer to this question and more in this excellent study on…

Ho, Ho, Ho or No, No, No

You might say Karen and I are celebrating an anniversary of sorts this month, as we started our attendance with the Worldwide Church of God, December 1973. One big question at the time was, is Christmas really the birth of…