
No Excuses

Don't shift your blame to someone or something else; take the responsibility for your wrong doings and don't try to justify them. Take ownership of both your rights and your wrongs so you can have a genuine repentance.

Spiritually Eliminating the Blame Game

Blaming others and not taking responsibility for our own actions is not marginal but central to our human nature even as covenant people. As we enter a new calendar year this message is designed not only to be a game…

Pointing the Finger of Blame

Pastor Bart Bornhorst reveals how pointing the finger of blame (at others, Satan, or even God) destroys relationships, hurts the individual inside, and removes the opportunity for repentance and spiritual growth.
Media Production

Stop Playing the Blame Game

We all have a tendency to blame other people or our circumstances for our problems.

Accountability 100 plus Zero

Look at "accountability" examples in the Bible and how it affects us in our daily lives and as Christians. What does God expect from us and what are we accountable for?

The Devil Made Me Do It

Anyone who tries to live God’s way, experiences hate. If we live the way Jesus Christ taught, we are not accepted by this world. Satan motivates this world to hate God’s way of life and anyone who lives it. What…

Before Blame Grace Provided

Excellent sermonette on how to deal with wrong. Humans Establish blame, or try to. God provided Grace before any blame was assigned.

Shifting the Blame

It's so easy to see flaws in others instead of ourselves! But if we're that busy looking for fault in someone else, we likely have a much larger issue of guilt to deal with first!

Presidential Pronouncement Premature

Have you ever had one friend tell you something terrible about another person that you know? It's natural to believe your friend and to say things about the supposed wrongdoer or even to take action against him or her. However...

Blame Someone--Anyone?

Mirrors are a great help when looking for the source of our failures. And that's the first step to success!