
As You Sow So Shall You Reap

How can I reap blessings in life? What do we need to grow spiritually? How is God involved with our lives?

Transactional or Transformational

What is God’s leadership style? Reading Deuteronomy, we read about ‘Blessings & Cursings’: is our relationship with God simply about a series of rewards or punishments, based on our behavior?

The Basis of God's Prophecies

Can God forecast the future events that will impact mankind? Many reject such a concept. Jerold Aust, Senior UCG writer and minister visiting in Atlanta, gives the keys to the basis of God's accurate prophecies of coming events.

Elijah, Troubler of Israel?

Join us for this excellent video sermon on keeping our focus on God and not the distractions of this world. The prophecy in first Kings chapter 18 is over 3000 years old and is more applicable today than it was…

The Sum of All Your Choices

All choices have predetermined consequences that either embellish a life, or are detrimental to it. When making each of our life's choices we choose the accompanying consequence of that choice. Each accompanying consequence is certain. No person is immune to…

Do We Remember What We Pray For?

To experience the peace of God don't worry or be anxious. Be thankful for all things. Pray believing everything you ask for will be received.

The Word of God is the Foundation of Knowledge

We here in the US live in a very blessed land. The first reason is because God has blessed the descendants of Joseph as He fulfills the promise of national greatness that He made to Abraham so long ago. Secondarily…

Blessings and Cursings

God blesses His people immensely. Abraham was blessed unconditionally when God promised to make His descendants like the stars. He promised a son, and that He would make him a father of many nations. These were blessings poured out upon…

The Things We Have Sown Will Overtake Us

Sometimes when we least expect it, the fruits of our life will catch up with us.

Seven Years of Plenty and Seven Years of Leanness

America with all of it's tremendous blessings given from above is on the brink of becoming a third world nation. Do we have a modern day "Joseph", a leader who fears God and who foresees what's on the horizon who…