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Columbia/Fulton, MO
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The Word of God is the Foundation of Knowledge

We must build our lives on God's Word.

We here in the US live in a very blessed land. The first reason is because God has blessed the descendants of Joseph as He fulfills the promise of national greatness that He made to Abraham so long ago. Secondarily we are blessed because many of those who founded this country sought to obey God and sought to live lives that reflected the values they saw in His Word. Joe Dobson quotes from many of this country's founders like George Washington and John Adams to show that they made God's word the foundation of their world view. The Gospel is not only about Jesus, or the Church. More broadly it is about the Kingdom of God and bringing that good news about it to the world. Obeying God's word brings blessings now and the blessings of eternal life. God also warns us against rejecting knowledge about Him.

Joe Dobson pastors the United Church of God congregations in the Kansas City and Topeka, KS and Columbia and St. Joseph, MO areas. Joe and his wife Pat are empty-nesters living in Olathe, KS. They have two sons, two daughters-in-law and four wonderful grandchildren.

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